When a user account is created, by default it is in "Active" status, meaning the user can be assigned training, receive notifications, is visible in reporting, and most importantly, is able to log into the Spark LMS. To remove this access or ability to interact, the account will need to be made Inactive, or have other status settings modified.
To Deactivate accounts, you will need to have Manager level permissions to deactivate the account. Additional permissions may be required in order for you to make changes to other Manager level accounts.
Status Change Type |
Description |
Active or Inactive |
Changing a user from Active to Inactive will deactivate their account in the platform. They will not be able to:
Changing this status will automatically apply changes in-line with the following three status options: Visibility, Can be issued training, and Can be sent communications. |
Visibility | Changing a user's visibility affects whether or not they will appear in search results (instead will appear under "omitted users", or have their data visible in reporting. |
Can be issued training | Changing if a user can be issued training modifies if their account can have any new training distributed to them. |
Can be sent communications | Changing communications status will stop users from receiving notifications issued through the platform. |
Deactivating an Individual User Account
To deactivate a specific user account, sign into your manager account and select the
"Users" option in the top-right navigation menu.
Then, use the Search option on the right-hand side, next to the Filter and Bulk Actions options to locate the user account (by name or email address) that you wish to change, and click on their name to go to their profile.
Click the tabs in their account profile to reach the status settings, by selecting "Personal details & account" and choosing "Account & permissions".
On this page you will see a Status box on the right-side of the screen.
Here you can manage the key permissions of their account.
Once you have modified the account as needed - for example by choosing to make the User account "Inactive" - click the "Save changes" button at the bottom-left of the screen.
This will apply the change(s) to the account.
Deactivating User Accounts in Bulk
To deactivate multiple users at once, sign into your manager account and select the
"Users" option in the top-right navigation menu.
Use the Filter option on the right-hand side, next to the Search and Bulk Actions options to filter the users to the group you need to manage.
For example, filtering by Tag, or filtering by Organisation Unit (OU), or a combination of filter options.
Select "Apply Filters" to narrow the user list to just the accounts that match the filter requirements.
Then, select the "Bulk actions" option, located next to the Search and Filter options.
Ensure that all users that you need to modify are selected, either by picking them out of the list individually, or by using the "Select all (#)" option to select all filtered users.
Then, click "Bulk edit" to begin modifying all of the accounts.
There are several options you can change with bulk actions.
It is advised that if you make any bulk account changes, especially for large groups of users, to include a reference tag so that if the change needs to be reverted you are able to do so easily.
The core account status permissions:
- Status
- Can be issued training
- Can be sent communications
- Visibility
As well as some additional key details of the accounts.
- Tags
- Organisational unit
- Timezone
Once the changes have been set, select "Continue" to move forward.
You will then be able to review and confirm these changes.
For example, a bulk edit to change several user accounts to Inactive with the tag "deactivated" would look like this:
To confirm the review, select "Save changes" and the updates to the accounts will be applied.