Module sequencing will force the user to complete the modules in a set sequence.
Select ‘Library’ from the navigation bar.
Select ‘Sequencing rules’ from the drop-down menu. (under Configuration)
You can add a sequencing rule, by selecting, 'Add sequencing rule'.
Choose the module you wish to remain locked (user cannot open it) until the ‘required’ module has been completed.
In the sequencing rules below, you must complete the ‘Module - Life at Work’ & 'Module - Site Induction' , before you can complete the ‘Module - GDPR’ game .
This can be viewed as a diagram so it can be visually viewed.
You can add as many sequencing rules as you like, depending on how many modules you have.
To add further sequencing rules, click the 'Add Sequencing Rule' button and configure as required.
Delete a Rule
To delete a rule, select the 'red delete button' in the sequencing rule.
Note. It is important that the sequencing is set up before the modules are allocated to users. Whilst you can adjust a sequence for an individual user, you cannot apply a sequence to a set of users as a bulk operation after they have been allocated.
Adding/altering a sequence for an individual user
Select ‘Users’ from within the navigation bar.
Select ‘Sequencing Rules' under Training.
The following screen will be displayed, similar to the module sequencing rules:
You can add as many sequencing rules as you like by clicking ‘Add Sequencing rule’.
This sequence will apply only to the user you have selected and all modules within the sequence must be distributed to the user for the rules to work.
Remember to save your changes.