Logging In
To access your Support Account and see the tickets that are associated with it, you will first need to log into your Support Account.
You may not have a Support Account and need to create it, or you may need to claim it if you have emailed Support before. These accounts are separate to your LMS or Ignite account and are not the same.
Begin by clicking the Sign In button in the top right of the Support Desk, next to the Submit a Request button.
This will show a prompt where you can do several things:
- Sign into your account with your email address and password;
- Reset your password using the "Forgot my password" link underneath the sign-in button;
- Create a new support account if you do not have one already or are raising a ticket for the first time; and
- Claim your support account if you have emailed support before.
When you submit a ticket you are able to view it in the "My Activities" section of your support account, accessed by selecting your name in the top-right corner and choosing it from the drop-down list.
Here the Support Desk will list of all the tickets you have submitted, with the most recent one at the top of this list. It will also display each Ticket ID, Subject, the period of time since the latest update made to that ticket, and the current status of the ticket.
You can even view all of the tickets that you have been cc'd on in the Support Desk.
What does my Ticket Status mean?
There are several different statuses that your support request will go through as the Support Team
work to help you.
Open status means that you are waiting for a response from Support. This status will appear when you submit a new support ticket, or reply to a ticket.
Awaiting your reply When a ticket is Awaiting your reply, this means that the ticket is awaiting a response from you, the support requester.
If your issue is resolved and requires no further actions, or you do not reply within a reasonable period of time, the support request will be automatically marked as Solved.
When your support request has been deemed as completed, or Solved, it will no longer appear in the support queue. Solved tickets can be re-opened within a period of three days since being set as Solved simply by replying to it as you would normally.
After a period of three days, all Solved tickets are closed and can no longer be re-opened, however, you will be able to create a follow-up ticket that will be linked to the original support request if necessary.
Follow-up Requests
The link to create a follow-up ticket will be at the bottom of every closed ticket that you can create a follow-up for. When you create a follow-up support ticket, please make sure you do not delete the information that will be generated in the Description field, and instead continue to write your support request underneath it, as this information will be a useful reference for Support and with this information
Support should be able to process your ticket faster.
Sending a reply
To add a reply to a current ticket that you have with the Support Team, scroll to the bottom of that ticket, where you will see the option to "Add to the conversation". Click this to post a reply or update to the ticket.
If you believe that the ticket has been solved, you can also click the "Mark as solved" option to automatically solve and close your ticket.
If a ticket has been solved and closed, you will not be able to add a comment to it. Instead, you may see the option at the bottom of the ticket to "Create a follow-up."
Clicking this option will allow you to create a follow-up ticket that will link your original ticket to the new one, allowing the support team to view the previous ticket and understand the context of your request quickly and easily.
Any attachments added to a ticket will be available in-line with the message that was sent, so it can be found in chronological order with the response given, or in the side-bar of the ticket, located on the right-hand side.
You can access attachments either via the email notification you received, or by accessing them directly on the ticket on your support account.