2022.01.25 Release Notes
Ability to use multiple filters when searching Users
The Filter option within the “Users” tab will now allow you to select multiple organisational units at the same time.
Fix for allocating previously archived training items
A fix was released, which will not allow for re-distribution of already issued and archived items to the same user if the “Exclude already issued training” option has been checked.
Fix for using the reporting filter for Organisational Units
A user can now filter the module status reports by using a specific Organisational Unit filter
Please, review the Reports - Standard Reporting article for more information on how to use the reporting filter functionality.
Solved enquiries can now be downloaded via the bulk edit functionality
A fix has been added to enable users to download solved enquiries in bulk.
If you are not sure what Enquiries are, please check the Training - Module Enquiries article to learn more.
Option to download training modules
Users will now have the ability to download zip files of the training modules directly from Spark
For more information on how to do this, please view the following Article: Training - Modules, Documents and News Articles
New filter option for the “Training Distribution” screen
Users can now filter training distributions by using trainee or training item tags
Start date can now be set for the standard reporting functionality in Spark
Managers can now choose from what date they would like to view the reporting
Please remember that the End Date cannot be changed and is always today.
For more information on the reporting functionality in Spark, please review the following Article:
Reports - Standard Reporting