2022.12.14 Release Notes
API Module Launch URL
Using the API, a module allocation can be launched for the User for a seamless experience. If they are not authenticated, they are redirected to the sign-in. This bypasses the Spark Trainee Homepage, allowing them to access the content directly.
Post-Exit URL Redirecting
After closing a module and syncing progress, the Trainee is redirected to a defined exit URL to continue their experience.
Improved page loading times for Distribution View
Where LMS setups contain significantly large numbers of Organisation Units, the loading times of the Distribution View has been improved.
Improved SSO Login Page Redirects
When accessing a module URL, the user is moved directly to the SSO login page rather than the Spark homepage for a more seamless experience.
Additionally, once logged in, the user is directed to the specific module, rather than loading their overall Trainee Homepage.
Improved Data Export: Permissions Options
Bulk Data exports allow for manager permissions to be filtered, allowing for users to be identified by the permissions they have.
Bug Fixes
A variety of bug fixes for the platform have been implemented, including:
- Removing visibility of performance metrics and KPIs for non-authorised accounts via specific linking;
- The Setup field for Usernames being incorrectly shown during account creation after being disabled;
- Module completion text not always being centered;
- Review types searchable by name;
- Notifications for Events can be set correctly;
- Correct notice of exceeded maximum duration time when setting a proficiency period; and
- Improved grammar.