10:06 BST | GMT+1
Some customers reported that the Sponge Spark LMS system (* was not carrying out automated training distribution. Sponge developers are investigating this issue.
13:00 BST | GMT+1
Sponge developers have identified the root cause and are preparing to deploy fixes.
14:20 BST | GMT+1
Sponge developers are prioritising affected users and beginning to deploy fixes to allocate training.
15:32 BST | GMT+1
Sponge developers have resolved the incident and automated training distribution services have been restored. Distributions to staff are showing successfully with Spark's Training distribution pages.
Sponge will continue to monitor this incident over the coming days.
The root cause of this issue relates to a security update applied to the Spark LMS on Tuesday 30th May 2023. Fixes have been applied and, where appropriate, any distribution timeframes have been backdated to ensure that all expected training material is delivered to trainees.
If you continue to experience errors or difficulty with Spark or Ignite, please contact support for assistance.