The LMS is designed to manage complex Compliance rules across your organisation.
The are two types of Compliance rules:
Company - A company compliance rule manages compliance requirements associated with the Organisational Unit, within a set period.
Trainees - A trainee compliance rule links a Job Role with a Training Proficiency, within a set period.
These rules are then displayed on the Compliance Summary Page:
When adding a compliance rule, first click on 'Settings' in the navigation menu.
From the drop-down menu, click on 'Compliance rules', under the General Heading.
If this is the first time you are adding a compliance rule, the following screen will be displayed. You can select the type of compliance rule that you would like to add, identified by the two tabs.
Before creating the company-level compliance rule, you need to ensure that the Organisational units linked to the compliance rules have been set up with a Role. Details pertaining to this can be found in the Company Structure.
Click on 'Create company-level compliance rule':
You now need to define the details associated with the Compliance Rule; these include:
Organisational unit role - this will link all Organisational units within the company structure to the compliance rule.
Proficiencies - Proficiencies are a defined series of training over a set duration of time (view the Proficiencies article for further information).
Proficiency Numbers - You will need to set how many trainees should be proficient within the Company-level Compliance rule.
Warning Period - How many days, prior to the compliance rule lapsing, should a warning be shown.
Terminology - This is the name of the compliance rule. If your LMS is setup with multiple languages, you will need to define this name for each language.
Remember to click 'Create compliance rule' to save changes.
Once you have successfully created the compliance rule, a summary of the new rule will be displayed on the list of Compliance Rules.
Before creating the trainee-level compliance rule, you need to ensure that all trainee's are set up with Job Roles. Job Roles are linked to Training Proficiencies, which are linked to a Compliance Rule.
You can find additional articles here pertaining to: Job Roles and Proficiencies.
Click '+Create compliance rule' and then select 'Create trainee-level compliance rule' from the drop-down menu.
You now need to define the details associated with the Compliance Rule; these include:
Job Role - Selecting a job Role will link all trainees with the specified role to the compliance rule.
Proficiencies - This is a defined series of training over a set duration of time (view the Proficiencies article for further information).
Grace Period - You will need to define how many days after a trainee starts their job role do they have to become proficient.
Warning Period - How many days prior to compliance rule lapsing should a warning be shown.
Terminology - This is the name of the compliance rule. If your LMS is setup with multiple languages, you will need to define this name for each language.
Remember to click 'Create compliance rule' to save changes.
Once you have successfully created the compliance rule, a summary of the new rule will be displayed on the list of Compliance Rules.